What is SEO website optimisation

Anyone developing either an informational or a commercial website wants the project to break through and grow. Google and Yandex search engine rankings play a role in this. But search engines are very reluctant to give up leading positions, especially if it is a young site. In order to achieve the desired result, it is necessary to work and pay attention to numerous aspects. In fact, today has developed a whole set of measures that combine under one term SEO.

Main features

Immediately we must begin with the fact that the acronym SEO comes from Search Engine Optimization. That is, it implies a search engine optimization. If we talk as simply as possible, without using terms and so on, it is worth saying that SEO – a set of works aimed at improving the visibility of the site in extradition. And it has much influence on the number of visitors to the resource and the expansion of the target audience.

SEO Website Optimization is Necessary

Why do I need promotion?

Initially, the owner asks a quite logical question, and for what you need SEO-optimization? At the moment you can buy contextual advertising, and there are different platforms for this. It is also possible to pay for tertiary social media advertising. These are all common methods that help to attract new customers. But in any case, you need to understand all the nuances of SEO-optimization:

  1. Buying advertising is a regular investment. So optimization is about saving money. Of course, you have to be prepared for the fact that at the initial stage the investment will still be needed.
  2. If you stop the advertising campaign, you can forget about the influx of customers. And if you use optimization, new users will still come from six months to a year, it all depends on the quality.
  3. When buying advertising, the client sees the result immediately. As for the optimization, you need at least half a year of work to start and it is more detailed approach to work.
  4. If you have the knowledge and experience, you can carry out the optimization yourself and save money on this. Especially when it comes to internal optimization.

It is also worth mentioning that SEO can be both internal and external. And for maximum efficiency should consider both options. But initially it is internal optimization.

What does internal and external SEO?

After the end of the work largely increases the quality of the web resource. Ultimately, the owner receives a more functional and convenient product that will move up in the search engine.

As far as external optimization is concerned, it is link building, i.e. link building. This process involves getting links to the portal from other sites. And because of high competition in this area there is one major problem – finding donor sites. Maximum results always demonstrate those links that come from trusted forums and portals, it is important that they correspond to the subject. Of course, another important factor is the quality of the content.