Online Reputation

Personal reputation on the internet

In the life of modern man the Internet plays an important role and nowadays online reputation is not an empty word but a really important aspect that affects the conduct of business. Reputation determines what people will think of a person and how they will be treated by employees or the company.

For whom is online reputation important?

Today, it is crucial to maintain an image, and this applies to the World Wide Web. Not only large companies or their representatives need this, but also ordinary users. At this point, the latter can be roughly divided into groups:

  1. Representatives of their own company on the Internet. SMM specialists or departments, entrepreneurs themselves. In general, these are all people for whom the World Wide Web is a source of profit. And in this situation, their income depends on their image.
  2. Public people. Politicians or athletes, bloggers or creative people are concerned. These people benefit and profit from online actions, and the words of such people often play an important role on other people.
  3. People who use the internet for communication or entertainment. This is the largest group, but here reputation is a less important factor.
How to Manage Your Company's Reputation

How reputation is formed

In general, reputation is people’s opinion about a particular person or company, a media figure or a well-known person. In any case, each person forms an opinion about a particular person, especially if he or she is well acquainted. If it is a personal acquaintance, then the opinion is formed by communication in reality, and if it is just an online image of the person, then the behaviour on the Internet. If it is a professional appearance, several aspects come into consideration:

  1. The quality of work. A certain perception is formed on the attitude to one’s own activity and on the final result, neatness and frequency of mistakes.
  2. personal working style. The way a person carries out activities, which techniques and methods he/she uses, which activity management he/she is interested in, as well as personal references are also taken into consideration. Of course, for many, even professional habits are an important factor.
  3. peculiarities of behavior. How a person behaves on the Internet, also in relation to the working process. For example, there are people who are really passionate about the work process, and they may blog or publish thematic posts in their spare time.
  4. Manner of communication. This factor also has something to say about the person or company representative. The communication may be polite and cultured, or familiar, all of it is felt.

Also real interest is understood and it is understandable when a person wants to be liked on purpose, but if there is a chance to get away from them, they will be taken advantage of.

So when you work with reputation you have to take all of this into account and take a comprehensive approach to error correction. That is, if you only pay attention to one aspect while ignoring the others, the situation will not improve.